ms107_1278504=se_ms(162,"In order to be ready for the new Eiffel definition, you should avoid the \"create\" feature name because it may be used as a new keyword in the next ETL definition.");
ms34_349402=se_ms(82,"Anchor expected. An anchor could be `Current\', a feature name or an argument name.");
ms34_202032=se_ms(61,"Closing \'\175""\' expected to end Precursor\'s parent qualification.");
ms34_128352=se_ms(48,"Added brackets for manifest constant before dot.");
ms43_716872=se_ms(244,"Unable to find file \"\".\nPlease, set the environment variable \"SmallEiffel\" with the appropriate absolute path to this file.\nExample for Unix: \"/usr/lib/SmallEiffel/sys/\"\nExample for DOS/Windows: \"C:\\SmallEiffel\\sys\\\"\n");
ms43_848426=se_ms(269,"You should update the value of the \"SmallEiffel\" system environment variable.\nSince release -0.79, the \"SmallEiffel\" system environment variable must be the absolute path of the \"\" file.\nFor example \"/usr/lib/SmallEiffel/sys/\" under Unix like system.\n");
ms366_441672=se_ms(84,"/* Creation of an Eiffel STRING by copying C string e. */\nreturn se_ms(strlen(e),e);");
ms188_382452=se_ms(87," is not yet implemented (you can work arround doing an assignment in a local variable).");
ms278_305382=se_ms(77,"A formal generic argument must not be the name of an existing class (VCFG.1).");
ms168_358643=se_ms(83,"Inside a function, a Precursor call must be a function call (not a procedure call).");
ms14_4684050=se_ms(315," has no compiler-defined `deep_twin\' or `is_deep_equal\' because the corresponding allocated size is not part of the NATIVE_ARRAY object. The client class of this NATIVE_ARRAY type is supposed to use a `capacity\' attribute which contains the corresponding number of allocated items (see STRING or ARRAY for example).");
ms197_235773=se_ms(67,"The type of this constant feature should be INTEGER REAL or DOUBLE.");
ms197_141933=se_ms(51,"The type of this constant feature should be STRING.");